• electric towers
    Financial Modelling for Power Projects
    • March 28, 2023

    Power generation projects are often contracted with stable cash flows, leading to de-risked returns over the project lifespan. However, a power project involves several financial aspects that need to be assessed with detailed financial analysis to effectively understand the project’s risk-return profile and evaluate...

  • chart analysis
    Inform Your Sales Decisions with Time Series Forecasting through Random Forest
    • February 26, 2023

    In the world of data analytics, sales forecasting is the process of using historical sales data to accurately predict future sales performance. Informed decisions for operations like pricing, inventory planning, accurate budgeting, and resource allocation can be done using sales forecasting. Understanding and analysing...

  • time series line graph
    Time Series Best Practices
    • December 19, 2022

    Producing statistically robust results with univariate time-series data requires following a few best practices and methodologies. Many programming languages such as R, MATLAB and Python include packages which allow the end user to employ a variety of statistical tests, nullifying the need to write...

  • Shake hands in business agreement
    Cap Table Modelling Advanced Features: Exit Analysis
    • September 29, 2022

    Introduction Capitalization tables are a necessary component of the financing/investment process for both founders and investors. For founders and previous shareholders, cap tables identify the effect on ownership of new capital raised, for investors, cap tables show what they are getting for what they...

  • hand shake
    All Companies Benefit From Externally-Built Models
    • March 29, 2019

    Many companies falsely believe that having a CFO, or a robust financial department, means that they shouldn’t look into an externally built model.

  • business consulting
    A Company’s Finance Department: 8 Key Functions
    • March 14, 2019

    What does “Finance” do? While it may sound like a simple question, it’s actually a very legitimate one, because the answers will be wide-ranging across CFO's.

  • spreadsheet
    8 More Model Building No-Nos
    • February 29, 2016

    A continuation of our "10 Model Building No-Nos". Here are eight additional no-no's when building a new financial model.

  • 4 types of models
    Beyond M&A: 4 Other Types of Financial Models
    • September 3, 2015

    When most people think of financial modelling, I’d wager that M&A and valuations come to mind.

  • busy woman on phone with lots of paperwork
    6 Ways to Cut Corners – Legitimately
    • June 8, 2014

    Personal busy-ness at work gave me the chance to apply some of the insights I got into hewing to the high-level in consulting.

  • Lloyd
    10 Model Building No-Nos
    • May 25, 2014

    Having worked with a large variety of Excel-based models, in a number of different settings, I’ve seen a lot of practices that seriously undermine the usability of a model. Here are my top 10: